Symposium “Digitizing Cultural Heritage and its Innovative Usage“ on 12 March 2020
Within the framework of the traditional Deutscher Frühling in Estland, a symposium on the topic "Digitisation of Cultural Heritage and its innovative Usage" will be held on 12 March 2020 at the National Library of Estonia in Tallinn. Lower Saxony is the partner state of this event.
The symposium aims to present digitisation projects in Lower Saxony and Estonia as well as innovative services and usage scenarios of universities and memory institutions (museums, archives, libraries). The programme offers presentations and discussions on a variety of topics related to the digital humanities, digital heritage and digital culture. The event will serve to exchange innovative ideas and experiences between Estonia and Lower Saxony and to create new networks. Furthermore, it will be shown how cultural institutions, together with the developer community, can create new applications, mobile apps, services, games and visualisations from freely usable cultural data. The working language will be English.
Lower Saxony will present itself with the Cultural Heritage Portal, the Atlas of Monuments and the TIB AV Portal, among others. Estonia will introduce the digital archive DIGAR, the online resources of the National Archives, the Smart Museum app NUMU, street art inspired by digitized art classics and the work of the Photographic Heritage Society.
Live stream
Thank you for watching. All lectures of the symposium have also been recorded and will be published in TIB's AV portal as soon as possible!
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