March 12, 2020
- Sören Auer, Director of the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology (TIB)
- Björn Thümler, Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture
- Janne Andresoo, Director General of National Library of Estonia
- Merilin Piipuu, Undersecretary for Cultural Heritage, Estonian Ministry of Culture
- Marek Tamm, Tallinn University, Introduction to theme
Moderator – Marek Tamm, Tallinn University
Indrek Ibrus, Tallinn University: Open or Closed? The Paradoxes of Metadating Culture
- Frank Dührkohp, VZG: Cataloging, publishing, networking – how to collect and present digital cultural heritage in Lower Saxony
- Björn Schreier, GWLB: Connecting Estonia and Lower Saxony – A virtual journey by historical maps. Opening of the digital exhibition
- Christina Krafczyk, NLD: Communicating Cultural Heritage: the Digital Atlas for Monuments and Sites in Lower Saxony
- Margret Plank, TIB: Innovative Exploration of Audiovisual Cultural Heritage: The TIB AV-Portal
- Regine Stein, SUB Göttingen: Digital Humanities Services and Digital Editions
- Sven Lepa: Researching Your Roots from the Sofa: The Online Resources of the National Archives of Estonia
- Andra Orn: Art re-thinking cultural heritage. Nordic and Baltic art platform NOAR presents: the digital street art project by Edward von Lõngus
- Peeter Tinits: Mining texts at the National Library of Estonia: potential for learning and discovery
- Kaur Riismaa: We learn till we play: NUMU Smart Museum
- Vahur Puik: Ajapaik – 9 years of a crowdsourcing venture
- Lambert Heller, TIB and Philippe Genêt, DDB – Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek: Coding da Vinci – bringing cultural heritage institutions together with the hacker & designer community to develop ideas and prototypes
- Panel discussion with all speakers: Digital Cultural Heritage and its innovative usage
Moderator – Sören Auer, TIB
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