Neil Chue Hong
Software Sustainability Institute - United Kingdom

Neil Chue Hong is the founding Director and PI of the Software Sustainability Institute, a collaboration between the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford and Southampton. He enables research software users and developers to drive the continued improvement and impact of research software. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Open Research Software, the current Advisory Council chair of the Software Carpentry Foundation, co-editor of "Software Engineering for Science", co-author of "Best Practices for Scientific Computing" and "An Open Science Peer Review Oath", and incoming chair of the EPSRC Strategic Advisory Team on e-Infrastructure. His current research interests include barriers and incentives in research software ecosystems and the role of software as a research object.
May 11, 2017 09:30 - 10:00
Software is fundamental to all areas of research and science. The move towards Open Science has made it even more important that software is made accessible, reusable and maintainable: all facets of software sustainability. However we still face the challenge of translating the enthusiasm of the Open Access, Open Data and Open Science vanguards to the wider community of researchers who may lack access to infrastructure, skills and effort. This talk will draw on the experiences of the Software Sustainability Institute in working with the long tail of researchers, including the formation of the Journal of Open Research Software, to present a different perspective of software for Open Science.