Patrick J. C. Aerts
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) / Netherlands eScience Center - Netherlands

Patrick J.C. Aerts did his PhD in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry in 1986, was involved in Dutch supercomputing policy since 1985 and was the director of the NWO-Netherlands Computing Facilities Foundation (NCF) from 1990-2012. Since 2012, still employed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), he had various roles at the Netherlands eScience Center, presently responsible for Strategic Alliances. In that role he founded among other entities, the Platform of eScience/Data research centers in the Netherlands (ePLAN) and the Platform of National eScience Centers in Europe (PLAN-E), which he chairs.
Since 2016 he also works at DANS, the Data Archiving and Networked Services, where he is responsible for general policy regarding Data Stewardship but with special emphasis on Software Sustainability and scientists’ involvement.
May 10, 2017 14:30 - 15:00
Software is the interface between man and the digital machine. Although software is as essential as data, there is much more attention for data management than for sustainable software. In the public policy domain the importance of keeping software alive is largely underestimated. This should change at our earliest possible convenience. The jump forward should be: a systematic approach to software sustainability combined with an international knowledge exchange infrastructure for software sustainability. Other actions regarding software sustainability involve the Software heritage Project and de Software Seal of Approval.