The dspace2vivo Process: The First Phase Of The DSpace-VIVO Integration Project

15. Juni 2022 : 12:15 - 12:35

Michel Héon (Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM))

The joint, collaborative and synchronized use of a research data repository and a CRIS system brings clear benefits to an institution by combining the strengths and advantages of both platforms. In this sense, the DSpace-VIVO integration project aims to offer an integrated solution under the Lyrasis provider. During our presentation, the first phase of the DSpace-VIVO integration project will be presented. The objective of this exploration phase was to implement an automated data migration process (dpsace2vivo) from a DSpaceversion 5, 6 or 7 directory to a runnable read-only VIVO instance. The work carried out will have allowed: the implementation of dspace2vivo according to the Extract-Transform-Load architectural model; the conceptual development of VIVO-DSpace-EXchange-Data-Schema; the implementation of the transformation and translation process of DSpace data towards the VIVO ontology; the realization of a DSpace data representation in VIVO and finally, a validation of dspace2vivo by the data exploration in a read-only VIVO instance.

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